09 June 2015

How to access Gmail using R-link

How to access Gmail using R-link

  1. Go to your Google Account page
  2. Click on your photo and then on  the word: Google-Account
  3. You will get the page: Account Settings in the left column called Google Account
  4. Select Signing in to Google
  5. In the section Password & sign-in method you will find a line called APP Password
  6. Select the line (Your google password needed)
  7. You get a summary of passwords, including your R-link if you created already, else
  8. Select the app and device for which you want to generate the app password.
  9. Select Mail Select Device : Other
  10. Then pick a name...e.g. R-Link and press Generate
  11. The program will generate a 16 character code
  12. Make a copy of your code; you only need this once. (No you cannot use mine...;-))
  13. If you want to generate another code, just withdraw and start again.
  14. Above you see the list of App's that Google allows to contact with.
  15. Now...get into the car and go to  Services (-@-)
  16. Create a profile if you did not already, then activate the profile with you password.
  17. Select Gmail from the menu.
  18. Type your e-mailaddress yourname@gmail.com and then the 16-digit code (without spaces) Press Connect....
  19. Done!
  20. If it still drives you nuts....send me an e-mail to  jvaane@gmail.com

Update R-Link Navigatiesysteem De volgende update downloaden: versie 11.344. Deze update is noodzakelijk om de goede werking van uw navi...