09 October 2015

ZyXel - How to Use Dropbox with the NSA325-v2

  1. Open the Application - Dropbox page and check Enable Dropbox
  2. Then press Apply
  3. This wil open een internet session with Dropbox and at the same time a Get Ready Message on your NSA.
  4. DO NOT PRESS  THE Get Ready BUTTON before you complete the Dropbox internet session!
  5. If you don't get the Dropbox internet session, disable the pop-up protection in your browser.
  6. Login with your Dropbox username and password.
  7. Here after you will see:
  8. Press Allow and Zyxel NAS is connected to your Dropbox, now press Get Ready. Done!
  9. The moment you select Logout you must repeat the process as from step 1
  10. In order to temporarily disable the copy function from Dropbox to the NSA uncheck Enable Dropbox and press Apply
  11. To reactivate the process re-enable the checkbox and click Apply.
  12. Do not delete the NAStoken file as this is needed for your NSA to communicate with the Dropbox account.
  13. Dropbox creates 2 folders Drop2NAS and zDownload in your Dropbox account together wit a so calle NAStoken. The moment that this token is removed the copy function from Dropbox to NSA is no longer in place.
From the instruction for use:
Here is how to use the Drop2NAS and zDownload folders the NSA creates in your Dropbox account.
Using the Drop2NAS Folder
The NSA connects to Dropbox and copies files in the Drop2NAS folder to the NSA’s admin\Dropbox\FromDropbox folder and empties the Drop2NAS folder. The NSA initiates connections to the Dropbox server so you do not need to configure rules on a firewall in front of the NSA to allow access to the NSA. Dropbox is not connecting to the NSA. When you upload files of the same name to the Drop2NAS folder, the NSA adds a number to the names of the files in the NSA’s admin\Dropbox\FromDropbox folder in the format of “filename(n).extension”.
Note: Do not delete the NAStoken file as it is needed for your NSA to work with the Dropbox account.
Using the zDownload Folder
The NSA copies *.torrent files in the zDownload folder to the NSA’s admin\download\torrents folder and automatically starts downloading them.
The NSA adds a suffix to the name of each torrent file in the Dropbox account’s zDownload folder and keeps updating it to show the job’s state (downloading, queued, paused, canceled, uploading, finished, error, or retrying).
The NSA does not take any action for folders nor other types of files in the zDownload folder.

08 October 2015

NSA325-v2 and TimeMachine configuration

In order to prevent that your HD in your ZyXel gets completely filled with TimeMachine files, do the following to limit the space to 500GB.
Create a share called TimeMachine
Create a limited user called timemachine
Limit the quota for this user to 500 GB
Goto Shares, Edit share as below
Now activate TimeMachine in your iMac using above credentials.

NSA325v2- Read/Write performance

In LAN with GB  Router from NAS to PC:....and don't expect miracles...
You may want to download a binary test file from here:

Cables and Connections

utpconnector1All cables between a cable modem, a router or switch and to other network connections are so called “straight” cables.
This kind of cable you cannot use between 2-PC’s!  If you want to connect PC <-> PC, you need a so called “cross-cable” .
How and what to do:
Cut about 2 inches /5 centimeter from the outside isolation;
Take care not to damage the isolation of the wiring.

Untwist the wires as:
1. Orange/White
2. Orange
3. Green/White
4. Blue
5. Blue/White
6. Green
7. Brown/White
8. Brown
Cut the wires to approx 10 mm and move the wires as indicated in the drawing; check the position before you use the RJ-45 plier!

Do you need a cross cable?
First make on one end a straight connection as above; the other end of the cable has a different color sequence:
1. Green/White
2. Green
3. Orange/White
4. Blue
5. Blue/White
6. Orange
7. Brown/White
8. Brown

How To Create a USB recovery drive for Windows 8.1

Source: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/create-usb-recovery-drive
If you run into problems with your PC, a USB recovery drive can help you troubleshoot and fix those problems, even if your PC won't start.
Your PC might have come with a recovery image that’s used to refresh or reset your PC. The recovery image is stored on a dedicated recovery partition on your PC, and is typically 3-6 GB in size. To save space on your PC, you can delete the recovery image from your PC and use a recovery drive instead. Windows 8.1 includes a built-in tool to create a USB recovery drive.Windows will let you know how big the recovery partition is, and you'll need a USB flash drive at least that big.


  • Creating a recovery drive will erase anything already stored on your USB flash drive. Use an empty USB flash drive or make sure to transfer any important data from your USB flash drive to another storage device before using it to create a USB recovery drive.

Step 1: Check if your PC has a recovery partition

  1. Before you create the recovery drive, you should check if your PC has a recovery partition. If it doesn't, you must create one and then create the recovery drive as in Step 2.
  2. To check for a recovery partition: Go to Start and type : CMD then right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
  3. Enter recimg /showcurrent, and then press Enter.
    1. This is what you see in the CMD mode:
      Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
      (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
      C:\WINDOWS\system32>recimg /showcurrent (mind the space before the '/')
      There is no active custom recovery image.
      Error Code - 0x80070490
  4. If you see an error message stating "There is no active custom recovery image" you will need to create one before you can create a recovery drive.
  5. You should only create a recovery partition if you don't currently have one on your PC. You are still in de CMD mode. To create a folder for the recovery partition, enter mkdir C:\RefreshImage, and then press Enter.
  6. To create the image in the folder you just created, enter
    recimg -CreateImage C:\RefreshImage, and then press Enter.
  7. This is what you will see in the CMD mode duringthe process:
    1. C:\WINDOWS\system32>mkdir C:\RefreshImage 
    2. C:\WINDOWS\system32>recimg -CreateImage C:\RefreshImage
      Source OS location: C:
      Recovery image path: C:\RefreshImage\CustomRefresh.wim
      Creating recovery image. Press [ESC] to cancel.
      Creating snapshot
      Writing image (this may take a while)
      Registering image
      100%Recovery image creation and registration completed successfully.
      To check this operation, type again recimg /showcurrent and see the results.

      ATTENTION: if you try to create an image on another drive like
      recimg -CreateImage F:\RefreshImage, you will get a message: 
      The recovery image cannot be written. The disk is full. Error Code - 0x80070070
    3. C:\WINDOWS\system32>recimg /showcurrent
    4. \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk0\partition1\RefreshImage
      RecImg: Operation completed successfully
  8. This process creates a folder and the basic (boot-efi) files for recovery including Windows 8.1 sources.
  9. If you bought a pc with pre-installed Windows, 2 recovery partitions are already present: one ~ 350MB for the boot files and the other (~10-15 GB) with the Windows 8.1 sources. You cannot cut/paste/move the source files to another disk since the folder does not show properties AND you don't have administrative rights to do so. In  that case proceed with Step 2.

Step 2: To create a USB recovery drive

    1. Go to Start and type Recovery and select Create a recovery drive.
    2. After the recovery drive tool opens, make sure the Copy the recovery partition from the PC to the recovery drivecheck box is selected, and then click Next.
      Attention: all contents of the USB drive will be erased.
    3. Insert a USB flash drive into your PC that is at least as large as the size indicated on the screen. Probably ~ 15 GB
    4. Tap or click the USB drive you would like to use for your recovery drive, then tap or click Next.
    5. Tap or click Create. The system will create a partition on the USB drive twice as large as the generic recovery size is. (~32 GB)

  1. The recovery image and necessary recovery tools will be copied to your USB drive, which will take a while, depending on your PC and the size of the recovery image.
  2. When the process is done, do one of the following:
  3. If you want to keep the recovery partition on your PC, tap or click Finish
  4. If you want to remove the recovery partition from your PC and free up disk space, tap or click the Delete the recovery partition link at the bottum of that view.Then click Delete. This will free up the disk space used to store your recovery image. When the removal is done, click Finish.
  5. Remove the USB flash drive.
  6. This is now your Windows 8.1 recovery drive, and you'll need it if you ever need to refresh or reset your PC. Keep it in a safe place and don't use it to store other files or data.


How to run Irfanview on iMac

WineBottler is still BETA grade Software.
It is available for free and licensed under 
Find more Info at:
Wine & Winetricks www.winehq.org

iMac Rechtermuis functie kwijt

Rechtermuis functie kwijt of nooit gevonden?
Ga naar Systeemvoorkeuren en kies Muis.

 Zet een vinkje bij Secundair klikken en kies Klikken op rechterzijde.

Wanneer er een context menu beschikbaar is op enig icon klik je rechts om te openen.

Cannot sign-in to Nokia Account via Nokia Suite

Nokia Suite connects to the server account.nokia.com and auth.gfx.ms. For these servers, SSL 3 was disabled on October 15th 2014. As of today, these servers require TLS 1.0. Nokia Suite does not use TLS 1.0 but only SSL 3, because Nokia Suite uses the QT framework 4.7.4. Up to that version, the QtNetwork class QSslSocket used SSL 3 and not TLS 1.0 as default protocol. You can test yourself via a terminal command and OpenSSL:
openssl s_client -connect account.nokia.com:443 -ssl3
which simulates the behaviour of the Nokia Suite. Therefore, the initial request of the Nokia Suite is rejected with a SSL/TLS handshake-failure. Because of that, Nokia Suite gives this wrong error message. Hopefully, Nokia enables SSL 3 again.
Edit: added workarounds
1st Workaround – use another tool
If you skip the creation of an account and ignore that wrong error message, you are still able to use the Nokia Suite. Only these features need an account:
2nd Workaround – replace a DLL file (3rd Edit: added exit step, reduced to just one DLL)
  1. exit the Nokia Suite via right-click in (bottom, left) Windows Notification Area (system tray)
  2. download this modified version of ssleay32.dll …
  3. replace this file at C:Program Files (x86)NokiaNokia Suite
A previous version of this workaround forgot the step of installing the ‘Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013’. Later, this step was added. As of today, this installation step is not required anymore because the DLL was updated and does not need that package anymore. If you still face an issue, report here in this thread! If everything works, please, just give kudos by clicking at that star on the right.
Source: Nokia

Update R-Link Navigatiesysteem De volgende update downloaden: versie 11.344. Deze update is noodzakelijk om de goede werking van uw navi...